Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dracula gun free 3d models

Dracula gun

This is a free blog from were you can download many free models. Today we come with a model of Dracula gun. For download Dracula gun the step given below.

Step:-1 first view demo video and see best view of Dracula gun. You will definitely like the demo video.
Step;-2 in this step you want chose the file  do you want to download like Collada or 3d studio etc. then click the download link below the file you chased.
Step:-3 in this step you want to open Blender software and then click on file option and go down to the option of import and select the file  mode  which you have download like Collada ,3D studio etc. then choose the file where you download  the Dracula gun file and then click on Dracula gun  file then press on import.   
Demo vidio


There are many website who charge some charges for  3d models  but we are giving free in this website. You can download free blender 3d models.  In this post we are giving free blender 3d gun models.
The color combination code of the given gun color is given below;-

RBG Color
R; - 0.411

This color for first wooden orange texture.

RBG Color;-
R; - 0.013
G; - 0.013

The above color for black texture of Dracula gun.
You can this free 3d Dracula gun modal in any project three is no copywriter on.
You can make animation video using this model.
In the demo video you can view Dracula gun model clearly the one animated video is also made.  must watch demo video before downed blender file like Collada or 3d studio etc
For any help you can comment or email on our website. Share with other and enjoy it.
For making website best please comment in comment section. For next model comment in comment section.


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