Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ump Gun 3d model free download

Ump Gun 3d model free download

Hi guys, today we have come with the new model, today you will like the model today, what is our model Gun, is the name of our gun .Ump You must have seen while playing many games on mobile it is a short-range gun. Well-designed scope is also given which looks very professional type, her scope should be made to use it in the long range, it shows that such designing will not get you anywhere, even for free.

Demo image

Ump Gun 3d model free download,blender assets
Ump Gun 3d model free download

Step table

1)   Ump gun 3d model step
First view demo video (In the demo video you can see the full 3d view of the Table lamps you can understand how see Ump gun see in 3d view)
2)   Ump gun 3d model step
Click on the “Download Collada” it will take some time. (it may be download in min or an hour it is totally depend upon your internet speed.)
3)   Ump gun 3d model step
Open the blender software. (It will take some time for opening it will depend upon your computer.)
4)   Ump gun 3d model step
As the blender software open. Soon click on “file”.
5)   .Ump gun 3d model step
As you click on file option the some option list open. Click on import option
6)   Ump gun 3d model step
After clicking import option new option come in front. Click on Collada.
7)   Ump gun 3d model step
After clicking Collada new interface will open. Then select the downloaded file and click on import Collada.( The chair comes on your screen.)
8)   Ump gun 3d model step
Next step is that click on Download image to  download image texture.

Download names
Download links
        1.      Royal Sofa 3d models free download
        2.      Image texture dark wood of front
  3 .   Image texture wood of handle


The image texture download link is given above

Color code

For  dark yellow color of the ump
RBG Color
R; - 0.115
G:- 0.104
B;- 0.054
For dark Black  color of the ump
RBG Color
R; - 0.036
G:- 0.036
B;- 0.036
For white color of the ump
RBG Color
R; - 0.581
G:- 0.498
B;- 0.498
For Light Black  color of the ump
RBG Color
R; - 0.08
G:- 0.08
B;- 0.08

Otherwise to download it, you just have to go to the download
table and click the link from there and download it will be given to the color combination, then it will be in the color table and you will see the demo , to see it, you must watch the demo video If you want, then watch the demo video bye bye tata.

Thanks for coming.

Animator brother


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