Sunday, July 19, 2020

Tree model one free download

Tree model one free download
 There is Free 3d models are given from those 3d models this is a free tree 3d model one you can download 
it in free. If you want to download this 3d tree model one follow this step. The step are given below

Tree model one step 1:- first view the Tree model one demo video. In video there is 3d view is given.

Tree model one step 2- the click on download word which given in blue large font. Then file start downloading wait for it. Also view the file given extension collda or fbx.

Tree model one step 3:- then open file blender application go to file option then click on the import  button and then choose extinction of the file and then select the file of the tree 3d model one and then click on the import button then you can see the file is open.
This Tree 3d model one is full free of cost. You can take also all models free of  cost from our website     

Demo video 

The color combination code of the given Tree color is given below;-

RBG Color
R; - 0.005

The above color code for Tree 3d model one leaves texture.
RBG Color;-

R; - 0.429
G; - 0.207
The above color code for Tree 3d model one branches texture.

In Demo video 1
 In demo video you can see a 3d view in it. Camera rotated 360 views so you can view a 360 degree view of plant. You can also see a shadow of tree on land. Land has a grass. It looks very beautiful. The sky is blue sun in sky. Sun ray come on tree and a bountiful shadow view on land. You must watch the demo video. Because demo video gives you idea of animation. it also clarify how the model view. Do must watch the demo video.

Tanks for coming


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